Future work

Species discovery has not stopped!

For some taxa, I’m confident that I’ve observed or identified all species currently present within the survey area. For many groups, however, the species I recorded during my survey are probably only scratching the surface. Some of the more obvious of these, and some of the low-hanging fruit, include:

Nocturnal mammals
Fungi (including lichens)
Leaf litter invertebrates
Plant taxa such as Lepidosperma, Plantago, Vittadinia, Verbena and Gamochaeta (for which I’m reasonably sure I’m currently overlooking cryptic diversity in the survey area)
Aquatic taxa
Galls and leaf miners

If anyone has ideas for surveying these groups, wants to collaborate on any project related to my survey area, or is interested in simply visiting and checking out some of the species I’ve found, I’d love to hear from you! You can contact me at either thomasmesaglio@hotmail.com or thomasmesaglio@gmail.com.

I would also hugely appreciate you reaching out to me if you’ve found any errors in my report (misidentifications or otherwise), or are able to identify any of my observations that are currently sitting at genus or coarser.